Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Muslim Polygamy = Woman Shortage?

A rightwing lie about Muslims. Polygamy is not even common in most of the Muslim World anymore, and it's mostly found in either the Gulf or places like Afghanistan. Even there, I think it is not that common. In the rest of the Muslim World, it is rare to absent. A number of secular Muslim countries have even banned the practice with progressive laws.

This nonsense is part of theory designed to explain why so many young Muslims are blowing themselves up. It's because of all the polygamy, which means there is a woman shortage, so they can't get married or laid. The resulting frustration turns them into auto-exploding human devices.

Show me the evidence that there is any woman shortage at all in the Muslim World, much less one due to polygamy.

The only places in the world that have woman shortages are in India and China, and in both places, it is due to abortion of females. No one is blowing themselves up because they can't get a wife in those places.

Riddle me that.

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World's Greatest Art Project

Art project of the year. People are up in arms already. Good. I wonder if she is trolling IRL. She is listed by Encyclopedia Dramatica as one of the world's top IRL Trolls. Sort of seems like it, huh? If she's serious, then I think maybe she has problems? This sort of stuff only makes sense if it's a joke. If it's a joke, it's the best one of the year, and she's as good as Andy Kaufman! I'm laughing so hard I can't even type!

More like this!

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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Validity of Race as a Biological Construct

It's clear that race in humans is a warranted concept. The fear of it is only a fear that acknowledgment of the existence of race = racism. The project is to lie and deny that race exists for the greater good of a game called, "If you deny that race exists, racism will vanish."

That this project with noble intentions is doomed is probable. We are what we are, and that is cavemen and cavewomen with suits and matching outfits.

Anyway, strictly biologically speaking, race is a valid concept.

Let us take for example a snake. I am a snake-o-phile, or whatever they are called. I love snakes. I love them in part because they are evil and everyone hates them. I search for snakes everywhere when I have the free time and I am out in open and wild-type areas. You hardly ever find one, but once in a while you can. When you do, you reach down and pick it up!

It's a garter snake or a gopher snake or ringtailed snake and it won't hurt you. I like to grab them, catch them and then go over to some macho guy's place with a live snake. I know these macho dudes who are all badass, but they have a secret, in that they are terrified of harmless little snakes.

I like to go visit these guys, snake in hands, and then shove the writhing snake in front of their faces and watch them freak out. Now is that funny or what? Big tough guy: "Um, nice, now do you think you could take that thing...outside?!" Nervous laugh. Hard man, sure.

Here in California there is a critter called the California kingsnake. I have not captured a live one yet, but I have captured an almost dead one hit by a car. I took it home and gave it to my cats to play with outside until it died. After that, I wanted to gut it and cook it on the stove in some manner and eat the damn thing, but everyone insisted that I not do that, and they could not even give me a damn reason.

What is interesting about the CA kingsnake is that it lacks subspecies. Now, most snakes and many mammals and birds have subspecies.

But the CA kingsnake has things called "races" that are even below the level of the subspecies. They can look dramatically different from a regular kingsnake, but there is apparently not enough genetic variation there to cut them into subspecies, so they are just called races.

The notion of whether or not human races divide sufficiently to be called subspecies is not yet sorted out, with White Nationalists coming down on the side that the races really are subspecies, and everyone else not even wanting to touch the subject.

At any rate, to call the races races, below the level of subspecies, in a California kingsnake kind of way, is hardly going to be the end of the world. It's not even a radical concept. Biologically speaking, it's utterly banal.

Amazing that careers are destroyed over this bullshit, huh? How dumb can you get? Hurry up, we are having a contest.

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High-nutrient Diet Causes 8 point IQ Gain

In a a truly amazing study, Pediatrics notes that premature infants fed a high nutrient diet for only one month after birth showed an increase of 8 IQ points, in males only and only on verbal IQ, at the late age of 16. Further, there were actual significant increases in the volume of a brain structure called the caudate, values which were associated with the verbal score increases.

The regimen was not specified, but was only identified as moderately higher protein and calories and more micronutrients (presumably on the order of a Once a Day type multivitamin of the sort that science insists is absolutely useless).

Blacks have a very high rate of premature infants, and it may be genetic. Although this regimen would not benefit Black females, they already have a higher IQ anyway. Black female IQ (=87) is higher than Black male IQ (=83) at adulthood. I cannot think of any possible genetic reasons for Black females to be smarter than Black males.

But if you go into schools in the ghetto, the honor roll will be almost all Black females, with scarcely a Black male in sight. In 1990, I taught school at Compton High School in Compton, California. I had a Chemistry class filled with almost exclusively Black females. They were calm and well-behaved. This is in part because after Grade 10, even terrible Black ghetto schools improve incredibly.

In most cases, there is still an utter and absolute refusal to learn anything, but at least they are good-natured about it.

You sit there in your teacher's chair all hour and give them an assignment that the whole class refuses to do, laughing all the time. This is known as a joke. You fight them for a bit, then you give up and just get in on the joke. You sit there and read a book all hour while everyone laughs and jokes and has a good time.

This is best because this way the mostly-Black class is almost completely warm, pleasant, friendly, and well-behaved. By 11th grade, except in the most horrible heart of the ghetto, the bad ones are all long-since dropped out, dead or in jail or juvey. They're just gone, and that's all that matters. There are Samoans there too, but they don't want to learn either. The school Administration is just trying to survive.

The cute Black girls, 18 year old seniors, come up to the teacher, sit down next to his desk, and ask how old he is. Informed, they say they have been looking for a boyfriend right around that age, and they write their phone numbers down and give it to the teacher "accidentally". Teacher contemplates whether or not to call the number when he is home alone after work. If he does, his credential is pulled, if not, nothing lost.

Anyway, the all-girls Chemistry class at Compton High was a good bunch of girls. They informed that they were all in gangs, but that just means if you are in a Crip neighborhood, everyone there claims Crip so as not to be killed, and also to root for the hometown. As these days I actually claim Norteno for similar reasons, I can relate.

The girls are bright, quiet, polite and hard-working. All of the crappy lies you had about Blacks are getting blown away every minute you teach these Compton High Chemistry class girls.

These days, at age 16, the US Black IQ is 88.4. The US female Black IQ at age 16 must be 90.4, and the Black male IQ must be 86.4. With a rise of 8 points in verbal in those males who were preemies, their full-scale IQ's would go up by 4 points, since there is no effect on performance IQ. Blacks are better in verbal than on performance IQ anyway.

The Black male IQ of the ex-preemies would be 90.4 at age 16, the same as Black females of that age. With time, the Black female IQ will decline at age 24 to 87. It is unknown if these supplemented Black males will also decline to age 24, but normally Black males would lose 3 IQ points from age 16 to age 24.

Even if this still occurred, Black male IQ in the supplemented males would decline to 87.4 at age 24. Not exactly the greatest thing in the world, but as an IQ fetishist, let us now praise not only great rises, but mild ones too. I suggest that a rise in Black male IQ from 83.5 to 87.4 at age 24, 3.9 IQ points, would hold some real and significant consequences for those males who benefited.

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Got Money To Invest?

Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund, United States Natural Gas Fund LP, Apache Corporation, Occidental Petroleum, Anadarko Petroleum, and Schlumberger.

Oil and gas. Can't go wrong, huh?

Can gas go to to $7-10/gallon? Possible, in Europe they are already paying $9/gallon. OTOH, it would slow down the world economy big-time. But energy bull market guys say that the world is headed towards $200/barrel oil, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

Time to invest in some other stuff. I like solar and wind power, but they do have problems. To counter the rejoinders, you can actually store solar and wind power in these things called batteries when the wind is not blowing and the sun is not shining. As far as nuclear power, I am becoming an agnostic.

Biofuels is one of the stupidest and most evil ideas in a while, and this biofuels commercial was brought to you by Archer Daniels Midland.

I still don't believe that global supply and demand predicate such a ridiculous price for oil.

That refineries are not even a very profitable business in most of the world casts further doubt on whether fundamentals dictate such a high price. If the stuff is really worth so much money, obviously making the actual stuff yourself ought to be actually profitable. But oh no, it is not. Make sense. Not really, there's profit in most anything that sells like hotcakes.

As far as why the prices of all sorts of precious metals are also rising to absurd and insane levels, there is one reason for that: speculation. You can't tell me that the fundamentals of all of these still-quite-plentiful minerals has suddenly changed all that much. GMAB. Well, there are all these concerns about the future. Right, worry about the future. Who does that? No one I know.

When prices of some commodity this or that are rising not on supply demand fundamentals but are instead rising on weird crystal ball stuff called worries about the future, then that is something known as speculation. Increases in prices due to such are known as speculative increases.

It's just a bunch of rich guys in casinos called markets and bourses, and their losses are mostly picked up by the taxpayers, while the gains are all theirs. Any other arrangement would completely destroy the economy.

This is what is known as free market capitalism in the world today! Lulz! Dumb, huh? Good joke, huh? Anyone ever called these free marketeer bozos on any of their bullshit? I am, and right now. Anyone else in the MSM ever do that? Course not. It's the corporate lie machine, mainlined into your brain by IV drip anytime you want to turn on the machine.

What's funny is these brilliant clowns get to play this joke game on us, pretending to be free marketeers when they are really anything but, and hardly anyone ever calls them on the scam they are running.

Sit down and talk to any serious American, and he will solemnly inform you that the "free market" (described with lulz above) is the only way to go, that the government needs to keep out of everything (except covering most of the gamblers' losses with public money that is) so the wild gambling with unlimited credit cards that never max out or get withdrawn can go on.

Some people are so stupid they will believe anything. Yeah, I'm calling you out, America. I realize why you are so damn tarded, but you are really so much better than that, if you would just stick things in your brain more than you stick em in your fat mouth.

Link above is from a horrible magazine totally run by a bunch of Jews! Not cool Jews either, but the lowest of the low Jews! New York Sun Jews, hymies with big noses, neoconservatives who love Israel more than they love even their Jewish mothers and have a pipeline directly to the top offices of the Israeli government.

These are the very same assholes that tried to drag us into Iraq, all for Israeli foreign policies. The same dual loyalty Hebraic scumbags that are trying to drag us into a war with Iran solely to benefit the government of Israel. And into a war with Syria. And into war with North Korea. The ones that are trying to rend Lebanon asunder with civil war again.

The ones that are giving coordinates to the Turks to bomb the noble Kurds in the mountains of Northern Iraq. The bastards that have ordered the destruction of the Mahdi Army in Iraq.

The neoconservatives of the New York Sun. The same clowns in the Administration. The punks are everywhere, and they have media outlets all over the place. Rupert Murdoch is one of their top henchmen, and he is trying to buy up the media of the whole damned world, with scarcely anyone to stop him.

And they are not all Jews. Of the originals, 35% were Gentiles. Bush and Cheney are top neocons, and they are certainly not Jewish. It's not an exclusively Jewish movement by any means, and the number of Gentile supporters in the US must be over 40 million at least. It's important to note this while we point out the New York Sun Jews to the whole world.

These same Jews that go visit their Jewish parents in upstate New York or South Florida. On the wall is a picture of their son, one of the New York Sun Jews. The Jewish parents point to the picture, look at the beloved son, and gush, "This is my son! He is one of the Jews that controls the world!" Grape wine is poured all around to laughs and chortles, and it's a mitzva all right.

Down with the New York Sun! Down with the New York Sun Jews!

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Monday, April 28, 2008

Great New Study of Ancient African Genes

A new study of African genes shines some new light on the Out of Africa Hypothesis, which is now the dominant view. Most of the Multiregionalists are now isolated into racial or ethnic chauvinists, each of whom wants to believe that they came from a different kind of monkey. This includes European, Indonesian, Japanese and Chinese chauvinists. It's all nonsense, and Out of Africa reigns.

The oldest human lineages are in the Khoisan or Bushmen, and they go back from 90,000-150,000 years. During this period, six separate extant lineages existed in parallel in the proto-Khoisan.

When humans left Africa 60-70,000 years ago from East Africa via the Gulf of Aden to Yemen, and from there along the Indian Ocean to India, SE Asia and Australia and New Guinea, there were at least 40 separate lineages going in Africa, each of which has continued to this day.

Finally, 40,000 YBP, new, more modern lineages entered the Khoisan pool. The evolution of humans in Africa involves many lineages that were isolated from one another and were evolving separately.

A very early split in modern humans of two separate lines is suggested. This occurred from 140-210,000 years ago in Africa, and may have occurred near Lake Victoria, but we do not really know for sure. One line went to South Africa and the other line went to East Africa - Ethiopia, etc.

About 144,000 years ago, a South African line entered the gene pool in Ethiopia. This line then creates a joint East-South African line that later traverses westward from Ethiopia to the Sahara, West and North Africa. It is still not entirely known whether the cradle of human development in Africa is in South or East Africa, as they are both contenders.

Genes in Africa have been found in the Khoisan dating back 132,000 years, and they have not been found in any other groups of humans anywhere else. That proves out of Africa right there.

However, we should note that the ancient South African humans did not look like either modern day Khoisan or Bantus.

Of the 40 separate lineages going in Africa 40,000 YBP, only two went on to become all modern non-Africans. Pygmies go back to a split with other Africans 70,000 YBP. The earliest male line among humans appears in the Khoisan in large numbers, but hardly exists outside of Africa anymore, as it has probably been drowned out by newer lines. Two great graphics are here.

The modern-day ancestors of the Africans who left Africa to populate the world are found in the Sudanese, Ethiopians and also the Bushmen. Note that the Bushmen once extended all over East Africa, and a few isolated groups like the Sandawe are still extant in Kenya.

In my opinion, it was Blacks in this part of Africa, the ancestors of the Tutsi and Masai, who moved out of Africa 45,000 years ago, probably via the Horn once again, moved into Iran and the Caucasus, and went on to birth the Caucasian race after they received proto-Asian inputs from China.

Hopefully, the birth of the Caucasian race in the Caucasus (yes, it is probably true) around 45,000 years ago will be the subject of a post in the near future, and I have been gathering materials for it for some time now.

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Fake Oil Shortage Continued

A commenter raises questions about the article suggesting that the high price of oil is not justified by supply and demand fundamentals, noting that even decades ago, US oil companies said refineries were a low-profit industry. The refineries still claim that refining is a low profit industry, but a lot of people seem to be threatening to call bull on that one. If they are so unprofitable, why are the Saudis building more and more?

As noted in the piece, gas is worth $1.85- $2 a gallon, or about 50% of its price here in the US. That is what the price ought to be if supply and demand only were manipulating prices and not being distorted by speculation.

I don't buy all this Peak Oil BS at all, and I'm not sure if it even matters anyway. Production and supply capacity are what counts, mostly supply, and if that is fine, what is the big worry, the future? You mean to tell me that businessmen actually do a thing called worry about the future? GMAB.

Chavez and Ahmadinejad are lying when they say that price of oil is still too low, but it's also a threat not to attack their countries, and you would too if you sat on gigantic pools of something the whole world wants and needs. We've already attacked Venezuela once with a US-inspired coup and some US-engineered mass employer lockout strikes designed to shut down the industry.

Right now, Venezuela is dealing with a US-manipulated capitalist suppliers strike in which essentials like milk are being deliberately withheld from the market by the capitalist bastards that produce it, to create fake shortages to get rid of Chavez.

And it may well work, who knows. Nixon made the Chilean economy scream in the early 70's, and Allende fell. The attack on Venezuela is modeled on the Get Allende US attack on Chile from that period.

Commenter notes that both the Saudis and Russians have said that they are not going to expand production, but they may not be able to, for one thing, and second, neither do they need to with prices this high. That's like trying to drive the price of oil down, and why should they do that. There is plenty of supply on hand to meet whatever demand there is, which is not often really high either.

Commenter also notes that while oil has quadrupled in dollars, it has only doubled in Euros. I do not know what to make of the dollars to Euros thing, as I am not good at Economics.

US oil companies are not manipulating the price of oil all that much. If you read the article closely with your freemarketeer brain turned off, you would have picked up on that. All oil is sold on two bourses, or markets, in the whole world. There is one in London and another in New York. This is an ongoing aspect of Anglo Imperialism that is rarely discussed.

You gotta believe we better go off oil. If you do not think that this $4 a gallon gas stuff has some serious implications for the US economy, you are mistaken. That effects of that rise yet remain to be seen in full.

The US economy is in worse shape than its fans say, but it is not in as bad of shape as its detractors insist - there is more here than think. The doom and gloom is not warranted, but there are going to be some consequences, all right.

The price of US housing tripled in only a few years in the US. All that value could become lost without going into science fiction, but that does mean US housing loses ⅔ of its value. That's twice as big as the biggest prior drop in US housing value of 50% and it could happen indeed.

Deflation is not really good for anyone, ask the Japanese. It's not the end of the world, but it's not fun either. It's like going to a movie where nothing ever happens and you have to sit through it anyway and can't leave.

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Where is Bin Laden in 2008?

Personally, I say Nuristan in Afghanistan and Dir District across the border in Pakistan, but what do I know. I've only been studying this for 6 years now. That's where he is in the winter-time. Right about this time, Bin Laden starts leaving his winter home in Dir and Nuristan and starts to take off inland towards higher ground.

He heads east towards Kohistan, or north up towards Chitral, and then maybe even way up along the Roof of the World up by where Pakistan, China and Afghanistan all come together, where hardly anyone ever even goes. Way up there, his party supposedly stays in caves. They may travel in convoys of SUV's, but usually Bin Laden just travels in donkey convoys that are very long and may contain large numbers of traveling men.

Bin Laden and company just kind of blend in. They move through the tribal lands, and no one really notices or cares all that much. Who knows if he ever gets recognized.

Most up there protect him anyway. In the past few years, a US patrol in Nuristan came close to bin Laden's winter headquarters, and the team that protects him (an inner circle called the Black Guard) was supposedly getting ready to kill themselves and Bin Laden if the US troops got too close and they were going to get captured.

As it was, the US troops either moved away or Bin Laden's band escaped, and there was no mass suicide. That's what no one ever understands about this Bin Laden thing. The guy is suicidal and so are all the maniacs around him, so he's never going to be taken alive anyway, although his head on a pole will look great to whoever nabs him.

Meanwhile, enjoy Osama Bin Laden On Top of the World, an older piece that did not get read too much. Lots of fantastic info and pictures, including repeated Bin Laden sightings in the area, and the dates when he was thought to be there. Be sure that the Pakistani ISI knows where the guy is most of the time though. Bet on it. Be nice if they would tell us. Some allies!

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Really Gross Fat Dude Bangs The Kind Babe

This is a strange story that a commenter of mine relates to me about being a gross fat disgusting pig still getting lots of pussy, which seems impossible until you realize that women screw power 100 times more than they screw looks.

That lakhs of women will happily fuck some totally gross, disgusting and awful pig of a man without the slightest thought in the world, all the while leaving sleek, well-groomed, neat, tidy and polite guys to jerk off by themselves leads me to chalk up one more negative about females, but it is true that I do hate women sometimes, and I really think all men either should or maybe even do, except for the wusses and the brainwashed.

One aspect of being proud of being a Male is being repulsed by the sort of displays of what we see as the insanity and idiocy of the Female in certain areas. It is important to note that we are superior in certain ways from these Female Things, who ought to be taken off their pedestals yesterday.

This sort of mild sexual arrogance leads to one being sort of a fake male chauvinist pig, but that's ok, as most women don't mind mild pigs anyway, as it just means you're a real man anyway, and I bet mild piggishness has an extreme correlation with getting laid. Women say they want wussy feminist guys but deep down inside, vaginized males cause much revulsion and lack of sex drive in females.

The Feminist Bitch created the Male Wormboy, and now she must deal with her Frankenstein-like creature, much to her eternal frustration. I would say "he" never should have been created in the first place, but women thought they knew what they were doing.

As is so often the case when the ladies get together and dream up some hair-brained woman scheme, at some point the guys need to step in and point out the to women how fucked up their whole project was from the very get-go, and offer some strict male supervision in the future. As whole continents of women secretly long to be dominated and bossed around, this can work like a charm.

You know if some gross, obese 300 pound chick had a lot of power, most guys would shrug their shoulders and go back to chasing dumb unemployed blonds and sleek Latinas. Just because it works one way, does not mean it works the other.

Most women are not even that turned on visually, say experiments, but I never believed that. Women always appreciate a good looking guy, even if they refuse to screw him in favor of much worse looking guys. In men, it's all about looks, pretty much. In women, it's not quite You've Got to Kidding, but neither is it Bag the Cute Guy automatically either.

Females are just a different species, is the only way to analyze it, but we are capable of cross-species mating and in extreme cases even love and affection.

The Female Species needs to be studied by the closely related Male Species with the same detachment as a biologist would study some wild, elusive foxes running around in the backwoods, which is sort of what females are anyway as soon as they take off the makeup and all the office clothes. They even mourn their dead and help bury them, just like the foxes they are related to.

Further research is ongoing, but a tremendous amount of biological literature on the Female has already been gathered. Bone up on the lit, observe the Female in her natural habitat and attempt to ascertain, test and ultimately prove or disprove hypotheses. They may be closely approached on many occasions, especially if you become close to a particular Female animal.

Fat readers should not feel insulted, but it's true that I did deliberately try to piss you off here, and if you weigh over 300 pounds, I may have to go to great efforts to love you unconditionally, as will most of the world. If you tip the scales at 300, face it, you're a pig! Pig pig pig pig pig pig pig! I don't care about your Goddamned genes, you are just totally gross!

Yuck! Shed, shed, shed, or just wallow in your image and just call yourself Pigpen, Grateful Dead like. In that case, I may even be able to love you in a perverse way.

I would like to point out in the case of Newt Gingrich, he is FAT! How any women would want to have sex with such a gross, hulking pig with layers and layers of blubber like a cut at the butcher's, I have no idea, but he was supposedly banging cute secretaries recently. Most people do not realize that Newt is FAT. I want to point out that Newt is REALLY REALLY FAT, and it is really gross! Let folks know.

Scott's story starts here.

Back in college, I lived in a frat house where about nine guys lived. Most of us were considered dorks (not all), but ironically, the guy who was able to get some-fine-ass girls was this rather large obese guy. He was about 5’10’’ and close to 300lbs or so, all fat. He wasn’t bad-looking the face, though, I must say, but had a real fat-looking face.

His room was covered with trash, and he was a complete slob half the time in public. When he took of his shirt there were many roles of fat and he had surgical scars on back from when he had poles implanted.

Anyways, he was the president of the fraternity, and in his super-senior year he was president of student congress. He fucked this petite VP girl. He was well-known around our small college (approx. 1,800 people), as a result of this. He knew how to yield his power within the realm of legality in order to get laid, but didn’t really have to that much.

Girls were attracted to the status he attained by his leadership. Women are biologically drawn to status as a way for them to increase the likelihood of their offspring’s success. Status and well-knownness (if that’s a word) is basically the same thing as charisma.

I should have figured this out earlier. Ben Franklin and Newt Gingrich, two fatties, are good examples of people who were (and in Newt’s cases is) aware of fact that being in power can get you laid.

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Head Size = Brains = Bullshit

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated May 2:

It is much postulated by hereditarians in the IQ debate that head size has a correlation with IQ. This seems to be true to some extent, but there are also problems with it. For one thing, nutrition increases head size, so head size is not as genetic as the hereditarians say it is. Another problem is that it is only a correlation, and not a very high one either.

What this means is that there will be cases where it does not make sense at all. For instance, Eskimos have the biggest heads, but they have IQ's of around 90, which, though Richard Lynn falsely states that they are the third major race in IQ, behind Northeast Asians and European Whites.

This is because Lynn leaves out very high scoring groups like East Indians in the West (IQ = 96) and Vietnamese (IQ = 99.5), but they don't fit his silly Ice Age Theory of Brains Evolution, so they get left out.

Even more problematic, or much more really, enough to make the case for brain size = brains even more deadly, is the fact that human brains were much larger 10,000 years ago, when most Asians were all still Australoids (the same race as Papuans and Aborigines), when European Whites as we now know them were just beginning to evolve, and white skin was still 1,000 years away in Europe, when American Indians were changing from Australoid to Polynesian type, and the NE Asian type had not even really showed up yet, and would not for a few thousand years more.

People in India still looked like Aborigines too, and would not look like the modern-day Caucasians that they surely are for another 2,000 years. In most of the world, man was simply transforming from Australoid to either Amerindian, Indian Caucasian or Northeast Asian.

To think that these Aborigine types were smarter then than we are today and have today ended up sadly and world's lowest IQ race except for Bushmen simply defies belief. No one was doing much better anywhere on Earth really at that time, as something called Civilization had not even developed.

If you want to think that 10,000 year old Cro-Magnon hulking hunter-gatherers and a bunch of proto-Aborigines, who were probably even lower IQ than they are today, were smarter than the guys who put a man on the moon and created the wonder known as sliced bread, you are entitled to that belief. But I will call you an idiot.

Even Lynn's head size correlations that the hereditarians love so much only account for 12% of all of the IQ variance between races.

That brains were bigger 10,000 years ago than they are today simply means that humans have been getting less robust and more gracile. Robust means big and hulking. Aborigines, Melanesians and Papuans are some of the most robust folks around these days. Blacks are not necessarily as robust as one might think, many are surprisingly gracile.

We have been transforming from robust, hulking like humans = cave men, more or less to our present status as Blackberry-doing New York metrosexuals, and in this transformation our brains have shrunk dramatically as we got sleeker and sleeker and more Upper East Side New York sleek and gym-trained.

Also, we should note that since 1600 to the present day our heads have been getting smaller and smaller. This is occurring in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa and may have been occurring elsewhere too.

If you really think that folks in the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, Hobbes, Descartes, Cromwell, Fermat, Rembrandt, Cervantes, Pascal, Leibniz, Peter the Great, Bach, Newton, Racine, Locke, Spinoza were smarter than we are, you may.

If you wish to believe that the humans who pulled off the Salem Witch Trials, Galileo's Inquisition, and the idiotic Thirty Years War, the people who caused the Plague by sheer stupidity, the people who invented a famous thing called Pilgrims, who fought endless war in Europe against the Ottomans only halting at Vienna, were smarter than we are in our Teraflop Age, you are welcome to believe that, but I am going to call bull on that.

Still, they did halt the Turk at the gates, Newton did write is mathematical encyclopedic masterpiece and the treaty of Westphalia was all pulled off, so this time did have its potential. Note, though, that all this good stuff occurred late Century when our brains were already shrinking. See where this argument is going? Time to get off a train that's going off the tracks.

As you can see, the Fathead Brain Theory has serious issues, to say the least. There seems to be something there, but there is a lot less there than one might think. When people start talking in general terms of Fathead Brainiacness, it is time to wave the arms and shut the conversation down.

Hereditarians, come on, you can do better than this.

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Advice to a 26-year Old Man

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated May 2:

At age 26, you can get tons and tons of sex if you want to, and you don't even need any money. Hook up with a woman about 28-34 yrs old with a college education. If you are a student, she will think that you have tremendous potential. If you are out of school and working but not making enough, at least you will be working.

You can actually make some money in your 20's, especially your late 20's, even though the whole world is united against you in making money since you are too young. It is here that you understand the war of the Old Men on the Young Men, and how it keeps young men poor.

A woman around 28-34 is at the peak of her sex drive, just about, especially the 34 yr old. Well, if you want to, you can have sex for hours a day or three or four times throughout the day. This is known as acquiring a Sex Maniac Girlfriend.

This age for a man is fantastic, because at age 26, some women are actually letting men bang them all the time who are not their husbands, and they do not even charge for the sex either, which makes no sense in Female Logic, as sex is usually a commodity to be traded to the male for money.

In many cases resulting in a female scam called "all her money is for her and all your money is for her."

And all this while you are not even married.

These women will hate you in a way for your lack of money and sex mania, but a man that age can easily have sex three or four times a day and even have sex for maybe hours a day, though try not to damage your dick if you do it. It might only last a couple of months, but it will be the best couple of months you ever had in your whole life. And you don't even have to get married either! Haha!

She will have other guys either dumped on the side or else actively going, and may temp you with stuff like, "This weekend I am going off with one of my other boyfriends. The BLACK boyfriend!"

She will accuse you of being an animal in bed, which will be a truthful assertion.

She will say all that you ever want to do is have sex, which will also be true, and that the only reason you are around all the time is to fuck her, and that is all you even care about. This may be true but requires endless deep contemplation and meditation.

She will also accuse you of being gay even though you are screwing her more than an army could. This assertion may be laughed at.

She will suggest that you hate women and that you have been hating them your whole life, even though you have been trying to screw everything that moves and has a skirt for years. This may set off endless worrying, but not necessarily.

Perhaps you do hate women, and if so what of it? It's actually a love hate thing, and as long as you don't hit them or insult them too much, it's pretty fun, and it's probably not even true anyway.

You may have potency problems or delayed ejaculation. The latter is most common, although delayed ejaculation can get to be a problem. She will note that since it is hard for you to cum, this leaves her wondering if that means you are really not attracted to her.

Actually it probably means that in your mid-20's, you are on a mission to prove you are not a fag called Operation Fag Disproof. The purpose of this mission is to have so much sex with women that you will actually prove to yourself that you are not a queer.

Even though you are not a queer. Even though only women still turn you on, whether you admit it or not. As long as the organ works, you're obviously turned on, and most gay guys think having sex with women all the time is nauseating.

She will say you are the biggest sex maniac she has ever known, and this is probably true. You may now wear the Sex Maniac button proudly. Soon she may dump you, maybe for being too weird or nervous even though you were screwing your brains out, and you should have been the happiest man on Earth.

You will try to go buy a new Sex Maniac Girlfriend, but they are sort of hard to find, and most of them are getting into the age where they are charging bigtime for the pleasures of banging them. But you will always have memories.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Great Commie Blogs

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated May 3:

Two totally great new Commie blogs - People's Movement Support Group and Machetera.

PMSG is out of India with an emphasis on support for the Maoist revolutionaries in India along with the separatists in the Northeast (India's armed Maoists tend to support the northeastern separatists), and it's almost all translated stuff from the world press, but there is a strong emphasis on armed Leftwing revolutionary movements.

Thankfully, he is not a fanatic - he supports Cuba, the Maoists in Nepal and especially in India, the FARC in Colombia, the EPR and EZLN in Mexico, the MRTA in Peru and the NPA Maoists in Philippines. In Palestine, he supports the PFLP! What is interesting about this is that in many cases orthodox Maoists do not support non-Maoists like the FARC or Cuba or surely the MRTA on grounds that they are not Commie enough.


He also supports armed separatists in the Basque Country, Kurdistan, Ireland (IRA), Sri Lanka and in India's Northeast.

If there are leftwing maniacs anywhere on Earth with guns and bombs, he backs them up 100% (other than Sendero Luminoso). That's some real consistency and style.

Living here in the US, one thing you notice right away is that almost every single human being you meet (who has an opinion on the issue) absolutely hates all guerrillas anywhere on Earth. This is true even for almost all US liberals, and even, incredibly, for many US Leftists.

The line of the average American is clear: All guerrillas are evil. They are all terrorists. In particular, Americans seem to really hate any kind of armed separatists or separatists of any type. This is kind of odd in that we were birthed via revolution, and there is no reason to fear separatism here as there isn't any armed separatism in the US (or anywhere in the Americas) and probably never will be.

So Americans have turned into some of the biggest state-fetishists on Earth. Only the state can have guns. Only the state must have a monopoly on violence. All guerrillas are terrorists, terrorists are evil, and they all need to be killed to preserve the civilized world. All separatists are scum, states alone have the right to draw borders, and self-determination will never be allowed to anyone.

Death squads are fine and dandy, and every state is a democracy, no matter how murderous. The people never have the right to take up arms against any state anywhere, unless I guess it is Communist.

In other words, Americans have turned their backs completely on the noble spirit of the American revolution and have become the philosophical heirs to King George's colonists. We have also become Israelis. They are colonists too. See any connections yet?

Machetera is definitely a blog after my heart. I get called a Stalinist a lot on here, but that's not necessarily true. I do defend Stalin in some ways, mostly just to counteract the nonsense about "the biggest murderer that ever lived", by pointing out the many great, humanitarian and life-saving things he did. He also killed a lot of people, and I think it many cases that was just plain wrong or even flat out evil.

Honestly, I would really prefer that we Lefties stopped killing people once we got into power. Other than the obvious moral questions, it has given the Right a gigantic shot in the arm by portraying us a the biggest murderers that ever lived. This has been so successful that many people around the world are frightened to let the hard Left back into power due to fear that they may start killing people.

So it is that I am a big fan of Castro's Cuba, a place where the state has hardly killed a single political prisoner since 1970. They put a few in jail, but that's not the same thing. By the way, I think the Cubans should go out of their way to treat the jailed political prisoners well, if only to deprive the anti-Commies of their propaganda snacks.

On the Majority Rights (careful - very nasty WN blog) blog a while back I was called a Castroite. That's not a bad portrayal of me.

There is such a thing, and the Castroite philosophy, a Left, and sometimes an armed Left, that is particular to Latin America, is quite well portrayed on Machetera. So if you want to see what a Castroite looks like, head on over. They've actually long had conflicts with anarchists, Maoists and even some Trotskyites.

The Castroite philosophy could be best seen in the revolutionary movements that arose in Latin America in the 1970's and 1980's. Prior to that, there were a number of small bands in Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela that were wiped out. These were often influenced by Regis Debray's flawed foco philosophy of armed revolution. Che's fated project in Bolivia in 1966 is another example.

The ELN and the FARC in Colombia are very much Castroite (especially the ELN), with the ELN having a very strong Catholic liberation theology flavor. The FARC is probably a bit more rooted in an indigenous Colombian Left with roots in that nation's particular history.

There are now branches of the FARC in Ecuador (FARE), Brazil (FARB), Panama (FARC), Venezuela (FARV) and Peru (FARP). The FARC extend all the way to Guyana, where they tax the gold mines. In 1984, the MRTA Castroites arose in Peru, but were eventually eclipsed by the Shining Path.

The Sandinistas of Nicaragua, the FMLN of El Salvador and the URNG of El Salvador and various small guerrilla bands in Honduras in the 1980's were all Castroites, and the FMLN and the Sandinistas still have Castroite roots, though they have moved to the Right.

Chavez in Venezuela, Correa in Ecuador and Morales in Bolivia are very much in this special tradition.

There are many aspects to Castroism, and it is hard to put it down succinctly. Typically, many are Catholics and there is a lack of hostility to religion. They are less anti-Semitic than most Latin American Catholics (anti-Semitism is big in a continent with few Jews), in part because some of their leaders have been Jewish.

They tend to be much more pragmatic than Maoists, and are often prone to be called revisionists by the latter. There is a strong anti-Yankee and anti-US strain. The cult of Che Guevara is very important. The role of the peasants is very strong, but not in a Maoist sense.

The role of urban workers is somewhat important but not crucial, in part because the area is not well industrialized. But the industrial and professional unions are strongly supported.

There is a lacks of sexual puritanicalism that typified many existing Communist states. There is a significant de-emphasis on the Indian Question (while it is recognized nevertheless. This in contrast to Sendero, who raised the Indian Question to prime status. There is a very flexible ideology that often incorporates electoral democracy and mixed economies.

Class is much more important than race or sex, though the Woman Question is important. Female guerrillas often make up very large percentages of fighters, and in guerrilla ranks all aspects of Latin American machismo that oppresses women are banned.

Machetera is characterized by support for Cuba and the FARC of Colombia. Along the way, there are also shout-outs for Hugo Chavez in Venezuela and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. She also supports Peace Palestine, Mary Rizzo's pro-Palestinian blog. The PFLP in Palestine have always had a fondness for Che Guevara and Cuba, and Cuba has long supported the PLO. Furthermore, she is a fine writer, witty and smart.

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Judeopedia Redux

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated May 3:

Via Philip Weiss, who gets the scoop from Electronic Intifada, and thence to Joachim Martillo for final comment, it seems the paranoid and delusional world that I revealed in Wikipedia, Ziopedia or Judeopedia fully two years ago is finally starting to be proven true. But of course. I saw it with my very eyes.

I saw the Jewish Nationalist cabal on there and got nailed, run up by admins and then banned by them. Then I wrote about it. I don't see how anyone could spend much time on Wikipedia and not notice these wicked little toads running amok all over that precious online encyclopedia.

The Electronic Intifada piece reveals a concerted effort by CAMERA, a rightwing Zionist lobby in the US, to infiltrate Wikipedia surreptitiously, ingratiate themselves with editors, get all pro-Palestinian editors run up on fake charges and hopefully run out, and to eventually move on up into the ranks of administrators. So my paranoid delusions about Jewish conspiracies on Wikipedia were proven true after all.

I can tell you flat out that the Administrators are already chock full of either members of this Jewish Cabal or rightwing libertarians allied with them. Jimmy Wales himself is a rightwing libertarian who has strong pro-Zionist views that he does not hide. The administrators are chosen well to carry out a specific agenda.

No one has ever run up these cackling criminal Heckles and Jeckles in this Jewish Cabal on anything yet, and anyone who mentions a peep about it gets put on their creepy neo-Nazi list (I made it on) which I guess has hundreds of names on it, in typical Jewish paranoid fashion.

Not only that, but the Jewish Cabal runs around crowing and bragging about their very project all the time; they call themselves The Cabal, The Jewish Cabal, and other names, so they are totally blatant about what they are doing. But if anyone dares to notice this and points it out, onto the neo-Nazi list you go, and soon you will be run up to Administrators on totally faked charges and then run out of Wikipedia.

I don't think I have ever seen a Jewish-critical or pro-Palestinian editor who lasted long there. It's been two years since I wrote that post, and I keep hoping things have changed, but I keep getting emails from pro-Palestinian folks who just got run out of Wikipedia.

On Phil's post, the truly disgusting Richard Witty, "Peace Now Zionist - Jewish nationalist - defender of the Jews" who seems to inhabit all of Phil's threads is squirming around as usual. One gets the impression he is writing on a pincushion. This crap is getting harder and harder for the Richard Witty's of the world to deny.

The usual rejoinders are employed by Witty - this happens all over the web, this is the problem with open source editing, there are cabals all over the place in our world, including the Internet.

Sure, I saw plenty of cabals trying to form on Wikipedia, usually on nationalistic or political issues. And they were crushed, one by one, but conscientious editors. However, curiously, the sickening little Jewish cabal was allowed not only to survive but to run amok across all of Wikipedia! Riddle me that!

And recently, a particularly vile and scummy Hindutva - Hindu Nationalist - Indian Nationalist Cabal has formed and this cabal has also been allowed to run wild all over all of the India and Pakistan articles on Wikipedia. The result is that most of the articles on India and Pakistan have been totally destroyed by stinking fascist Hindutva worms.

The Hindutva Cabal, of course, has formed an alliance with the Jewish Cabal, Jewish fascist dogs with Indian fascist dogs, all in one kennel, crapping on the floor, humping each others' legs and yip-yapping away, just like in real life.

One Jayg is mentioned in the article as not a member of the CAMERA cabal, but instead a sympathetic outsider. Actually, Jayg is one of the leading members of the Jewish Cabal on Wikipedia. He's one of the worst Jewish POV-pushers of them all.

Zeq, the leader of the CAMERA cabal, is also a well-known member of the Jewish Cabal on Wikipedia. The reason Zeq speaks poor English, I believe, is because he is an Israeli.

I am familiar with both of these sociopathic runts.

I believe they are both admins too, but I may be wrong.

Repeat after yourself: cabals exist, cabals exist, cabals exist.

Anyway, over and out. Writing this is starting to make me really angry all over again.

P. S. I would like to point out that a huge percentage of White Nationalists support Zionism (Jewish nationalism). That right there ought to stop anyone in their tracks and make them wonder why. When you finally figure it out, if you have any decency, you will realize even more than ever that WN is bad news.

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Monday, April 21, 2008

Pakistan Adimst the Ruins

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated April 23:

Pakistan amidst the ruins. Read those figures over and tell me that she does not need socialism, and socialism, now. If the word socialism gives you the shivers, how about at least the socialism of Sri Lanka, which has managed to produce spectacular figures in all areas that Pakistan has so lacked. How can anyone possibly look at these kind of figures and tell me that capitalism works at all in the 3rd World?

They are just starting? Hell, they have had 60 years to practice. Enough already. Capitalism in South Asia is killing at least 8 million people every year, year and year out, no exceptions. That right there is an excellent reasons for Maoists across the subcontinent to take up arms to overthrow the existing system and put in whatever they choose.

Anything that kills fewer than 8 million a year is better than the status quo, right? So why worry about killing a few here and there? Is it worth killing a few to save a million? Of course it is, always was, always will be. Let us see the red flag fly over South Asia, not just Nepal.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

I Stuck Gumby Christ On the Wall

The latest death toll figures from Hurricane Katrina can be seen on this website here. The famous Russian neo-Nazi video is on this blog here.

Updated April 12:

I put Gumby on the wall. He's a Christian Gumby now, a Christ Gumby and a Jesus Gumby and he's up there to writhe and squirm for a long time.

I don't know why I did it. All I know is it was late at night, I was seriously wasted, and I saw Gumby smiling and I thought as usual he was laughing at me and my idiotic life. This time I got so angry that I grabbed Gumby by the throat, grabbed a hammer and nails, and nailed the sucker to the wall where he can laugh at me no more.

I have Gumbys all over my apartment. Pokies too. And plastic dinosaurs. There's stupid plastic cows and a plastic Batman and Robin the Boy Wonder (except my toy Robin is not homosexual like the real one), all real tiny, appropriate for a 50 year-old manchild.

I really want me some little tiny armymen. Then I am gonna line those suckas up on my top shelves and get some rubber bands and play Shoot the Armyman.

I'd like some creepy crawlers but I can't find any anymore. We used to make em with Plastigoop. It was good times. Then they would go on creepy crawler marches all over the whole house, only moving a few crawlers at a time, and then moving each crawler a few steps forward. In this way, the insipid marches could go on hours and hours.

There were two leaders of the crawlers, Horny and Hornet, and they were two green horny toads. They were husband and wife, but I never saw them have sex or anything. My leader was Tim, a red spider. I'm ashamed to admit that I still love Horny, Hornet and especially Tim more than any girlfriend I ever had, but maybe most guys are like that?

My Mom stood there and laughed at us like we were so stupid. "Why do you only move a few at a time?" she asked. You know females always think they are superior to us guys, but they don't get it.

The crawlers were in formation and they were a marching army dammit. Plus we got to crawl around on all fours and that's always fun. I still do it sometimes. I will even bark at you and pretend to bite your heels if you give me enough alcohol.

Plus, all males come from creatures that walked on all fours. That part of the collective unconscious faded in women, and it's now a distant memory they only remember painfully while they are cleaning the floor like they ought to do when they are not getting us beers from the fridge. But with guys it's a real thing. Bipedalism is a new thing to us, as is rudimentary speech. Many males still communicate mostly in grunts to this day.

Well, Gumby Christ has started people worrying in the complex where I live. Some of them still think I am a criminal, but it's good for people to be scared of you around here in the Hood. Now there is a rumor going around that I am insane because I stuck Gumby Christ on the wall.

As long I don't start worshipping him, I think I will be ok. When I start bowing down in front of Gumby Christ and yelling, "He died for my sins! For yours and his and hers and Pokey's too!" I promise I will try to seek help.

I admit I was seriously deranged when I crucified him yesterday but it had to be done. He was leading all the toys around here astray and fomenting rebellion in my apartment. I'm the High Priest in this damned apartment and I won't stand for any rebellions, so I killed Gumby, and that is that. Go make a religion and say he died for your sins if it bothers you so much.

People look at the Gumby on the wall and they say man, that is so stupid. I agree. That is why I did it. I normally never decorate walls because guys leave walls bare, and also I'm usually too neurotic and terrified to stick stuff up. I'm afraid it won't look right.

Gumby has two old paintings on either side of him that don't really match. On another wall is a Jesus mask from Guatemala with two Guatemalan knives on either side framing it. People think that is weird too, but they need to be quiet about it or I will pull off one of the knives and show them how sharp it is.

People see all these Gumbys around here and they start laughing. There's Pokeys around too, a gum-man's gotta ride something, and this is before the iron horse. Hardly anyone around here seems to be on my side, except maybe these friends who keep coming over, but I even wonder about them sometimes. I figure Gumby's on my side at least, so there is some comfort.

Sometimes Gumby does ride Pokey around here for everyone to watch. Also sometimes people come over and Gumby and Pokey might try to have sex with each other, as much as a man and horse can do that without the guy dying. People think that is childish too, and it is, I admit.

People see these stupid Gumbys and and ask me if I like Gumby. I say no, I hate Gumby. Then they ask why do you have all these Gumbys. I tell them I don't know.

On another wall is an evil Devil mask from Guatemala. It has two worthless university degrees on either side. Everyone hates it and says it's evil and gives off bad vibes wants it taken down, but that's why I put it up in the first place.

When they object, I just laugh diabolically and tell them I am the Devil, and ramble off a bunch of other names for him like Beelzebub, El Diablo, Shaytan, Satan, and especially The Evil One. I say, "The Evil One", really evil-like, and then I laugh real loud and say, "That's my name!" People get disturbed when I do that, but that's why I do it, and anyway, it's pretty funny.

I went over to see a friend the other day at his store. He was doing carpentry in the basement. I walked into the basement and asked, "Is this where you store the bodies?" He didn't think that was funny at all and I had to apologize. Some people just can't take a joke.

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