Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tarzan Slingert in een Rivier en Stort Neer

I am looking for translators to translate this post into French. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español). German translation (in deutscher Sprache). Italian translation (traduzione in Italiano). French translation (en Français).

This is the Dutch version of the
Tarzan Swings into a River and Crashes post.

Dit is een grappige video. Twee jonge, blanke, Amerikaanse mannen staan naast een rivier, waarschijnlijk ergens in de VS. Er ligt een enorm touw dicht bij de rivier. Een van de twee mannen stapt terug, mischien 20 à 30 meter, en is van plan in de rivier te slingeren, net als die duivelse Tarzan. Hij stijgt op, zwaait snel door de lucht en stort dan op de oever neer. Het ziet er ook naar uit dat hij daarbij gewond geraakt is.

Wat een idioot!

Novello Tarzan si Schianta Come un Coglione

Spanish translation (en Español). German translation (in deutscher Sprache). Dutch translation (in het Nederlands). French translation (en Français).

Hahaha, questo video è uno spasso !

Abbiamo un paio di giovanotti, e sono pure bianchi, che vogliono provare il brivido di lanciarsi con una liana come Tarzan.
Ci troviamo negli Usa e dall'alto della sponda di un fiume il nostro impavido emulo ha in mano una lunga corda (che a me sembra proprio una liana) legata ad un albero.

Siamo ad un'altezza di 20-30 metri dall'acqua e ci si può lanciare nel fiume, yeah!

Pronti, attenti, via : il nostro eroe parte con baldanza ma la liana cede, si allunga ed invece di farsi il bagnetto il nostro Tarzanprecipita rovinosamente a terra.

Probabilmente si è fatto male ma se l'è cercata, il cazzone!

(ndt: peccato che non abbia mollato l'urlo come il vecchio Johnny...hehehe)

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tarzan schwingt sich über einen Fluss und schlägt auf

Spanish translation (en Español). Italian translation (traduzione in Italiano). Dutch translation (in het Nederlands). French translation (en Français).

This is the German version of the
Tarzan Swings into a River and Crashes post.

Das ist ein sehr lustiges Video! Zwei junge weiße Amerikaner sind bei einem großen Fluss, wahrscheinlich irgendwo in den USA. Da ist ein großes Seil an der einen Seite des Flusses. Einer der Männer ging ein paar Schritte zurück, vielleicht etwa 20-30 Meter, und will sich wie Tarzan Richtung Fluss stürzen! Er springt ab, wird sehr schnell in der Luft, fliegt Richtung Fluss und kracht am Ufer auf! Es sieht so aus als hätte er sich durch den Aufprall auch verletzt.

Was für ein Idiot!

Das Kopflose Huhn

This is the German version of the Chicken with Its Head Cut Off video.

Das ist euer normales und tägliches Huhn-rennt-ohne-Kopf-herum Video. Es sollte niemanden stören dieses Video anzuschauen, aber seltsamerweise fand ich dieses Video sehr ekelhaft. An einer Stelle versucht einer der anderen Hühner gegen das geköpfte Huhn zu kämpfen. Gibt es keinen besseren Weg ein Huhn zu töten? Es ist wirklich brutal ihre Köpfe abzuschlagen und ihnen dabei zuzuschauen, wie sie so umherrennen.

Schwarzer Mann mit gespaltenem Gesicht

Spanish version here (en Español).

Ich habe nicht die leiseste Ahnung was dieses Bild darstellen soll, aber es ist auf jeden Fall ekelhaft. Offenbar ist dieser arme Mann noch am leben, auch wenn es unmöglich scheint. Das zeigt das man trotz einem Gesichtsspaltungsunfall irgendwie überleben kann, so wie der arme arabische Junge in diesem Video. Ich hoffe dieser Kerl hatte eine rekonstruktive Chirurgie. Ich würde es hassen für immer so herumzulaufen.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Skateboarder hat schweren Unfall und verletzt seine Eier

Spanish translation (en Español). French translation (en Français). Tagalog translation (isinalin sa Tagalog).

This is the German translation of the
Skateboarder Has Serious Accident and Hurts His Balls post.

Verdammt das hat wehgetan, selbst beim zuschauen. Das Skateboard ist scheinbar absichtlich in zwei Teile zerbrochen, nur um die Dinge noch schlechter zu machen.

Ein junger Skateboarder rollt über eine riesige Menge von Betonstufen, vielleicht sind es um die 10-15 Stufen. Er schlägt am Boden auf und scheint seine Hoden ernsthaft verletzt zu haben. Er springt auf und ab, heult und schreit "Ahhhh! Scheiße meine Eier!"

Armer Junge! Ich hoffe er wurde nicht ernsthaft verletzt.

Betrunkenes Mädchen wird durch Sprung bewusstlos

This is the German version of the Drunk Girl Knocked Out By Dive post.

Spanish translation (en Español).

Ein Mädchen springt von einem hohen Stein in etwas das wie ein Fluss aussieht und wurde durch den Aufprall bewusstlos. Mehrere Leute hechten anschließend ins Wasser und ziehen sie in Sicherheit, so dass sie nicht ertrinkt. Sie hat den Sprung überlebt. Es sieht so aus als würde es beim Colorado River in Kalifornien oder Nevada in den USA geschehen, aber ich könnte mich auch irren.

Farmer verheuballt sich selbst

I am looking for translators to translate this post into Norwegian. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

This is the German version of the
Farmer Hay Bales Himself post.

Dieses Video ist verrückt! Ein Mann zieht sich auf dem Feld eines Farmers nackt aus und springt dann in einen Heuballen. Dann schaltet sein Freund die Ballenpresse an, und der Mann ist in einen Heuballen gepresst! Am Ende spuckt die Maschine ihn aber wieder aus, anschließend steht er lachend als menschlicher Heuballen auf. Ich frage mich ob das nicht etwas gefährlich ist?

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Daredevils Walk El Camino del Rey in Spain

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

The Camino del Rey is a very narrow pathway that winds along the edges of a steep mountain gorge in El Chorro, near near Álora in the province of Málaga, Spain. Málaga is in the far south of the southern autonomous community of Andalucia, on the Mediterranean Sea.

Over 100 years ago, hydroelectric dams were built at Chorro Falls and Gaitenejo Falls in the gorge, but it was difficult for hydroelectric workers to go back and forth between the two projects. A pathway needed to be built. It was commissioned in 1901 and finished four years later.

The walkway is only about one yard wide and it is extremely treacherous. Over the years, it has fallen into serious disrepair. Most of the handrails have fallen off and in many places, the trail itself has collapsed, leaving only narrow steel bars or other objects to connect one section of the trail with the other. A safety wire still runs along the path though.

In recent years, several people have fallen from El Camino del Rey to their deaths in the gorge hundreds of feet below. After two deaths, one in 1999 and one in 2000, both entrances to the trail were closed by the Málaga Regional Government. Yet if this video is any evidence, people are still finding a way to hike this completely insane and dangerous as all get out trail.

This video is wild. You would have to be insane to hike on this trail in the shape it's in, but many people, mostly young males, apparently continue to do anyway.

Polar Bear Cub Starves to Death in the Arctic

This is actually one of the most heartbreaking videos I have seen. It shows a mother polar bear with two of her cubs in Wapusk National Park in northern Manitoba. The mother is malnourished and two of her cubs are starving. This video shows the final moments in a polar bear cub's life as it dies of starvation.

The mother and cubs have been driven onto dry land due to melting sea ice, but there is little food for them there, so many of them are starving. The first cub died shortly after the video was shot. The second cub died two days later. Both probably died of starvation.

In the video, the temperature is below 0 degree F. The mother bear is malnourished, with little to no fat reserves, and she is having a hard time getting comfortable. Another bear, possibly a male, approached the mother and her cubs. He may be trying to pray on the cubs! The mother chases him off, but she doesn't have much energy to do so.

Afterward, one of the cubs, shaking and cold, begins to go into convulsions, possibly from hunger. He rests for about 10 minutes, then goes into a second set of convulsions. This set of shakes lasts longer than the first one. You are basically watching this poor bear die right in front of your eyes!

This video is actually sickening!

The Western Hudson Bay population of polar bears is being forced ashore each summer due to diminishing sea ice. They are now spending up to eight months on shore, where there is little food. During this time, they are normally utilizing sea ice to access their main food, seals. This polar bear population is expected to go extinct in 25-30 years if things continue as they are.

Polar bears are completely dependent upon large expanses of sea ice to hunt, feed and survive. They use the sea ice as a platform to capture seals and other prey.

Global warming is rapidly melting their ice and lengthening the ice-free season, forcing bears to spend ever-longer periods of time on land, where there is little for them to eat. The longer bears like the ones in this video are stranded on land, the more likely they are to starve.

Polar bears were listed as a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act in 2008 due to sea-ice declines and dwindling populations. The U.S. population is projected to go extinct by 2050 if climate change is not reined in soon; the entire species may disappear by the end of the century.

The polar bears of western Hudson Bay are on the front line of global warming impacts: their population declined by 22 percent between 1987 and 2004 and may be the first driven extinct by climate change.

Marcin Wasilewski Broken Leg Video

Marcin Wasilewski is a soccer player who plays the defender position for the Polish national team and for the RSC Anderlect team. He has an impressive goal record for a defensive player. On August 30, 2009, he suffered an open leg fracture of the fibia and tibia in the 24th minute of what later became a 1-1 tie in a game between Anderlect and Standard Liege.

A Standard Liege player, Axel Witsel, made a challenge that knocked him to the ground and broke his leg. Witsel received sanctions for the offense and was later suspended for eight games. Wasilewski underwent surgery for the fractures.

Nearly a year later, on May 8, 2010, Wasilewski made a triumphant comeback to the game.

This video shows his injury followed by the events that ensued with a very haunting classical score in the background.

Kim Sun-Il Beheading Video

This is surely one of the most horrible beheading videos I have ever seen. I have only watched it once, soon after it came out. I had earlier watched the Nick Berg beheading video, and it had traumatized me badly for week or two afterward. Then I watched this video. It's way more fucked up than the Nick Berg video!

Kim Sun-Il was a young South Korean man with degrees in theology, English and Arabic from South Korean universities. The Arabic degree was a graduate degree.

He had hopes of becoming a missionary in the Middle East when he signed on with Gana General Trading, a South Korean company that was doing business with the US military as a contractor. He arrived in Iraq on June 15, 2003.

He worked as an Arabic translator for the US military until he was captured by guerrillas on May 30, 2004 in Fallujah by Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad, Abu Musab Zarqawi's group that later became Iraqi Al Qaeda.

The group issued a demand of South Korea that they withdraw their 660 medics and military engineers already in the country and that they cancel plans to send another 3,000 troops. Otherwise, they would kill Sun-Il. The South Korean government denied the demands.

The group initially set a June 21 deadline for their demands to be met or they would kill Sun-Il. On June 22, Al Jazeera received a videotape of his brutal execution. His body was later found, but I am not sure where.

The video opens with Sun-Il seated on the ground in front of some Al Qaeda ogres dressed in black and wearing masks. One of them is reading from some script in Arabic. There is Arabic music in the background.

As they are reading in the script, Sun-Il, is, horribly, screaming over and over, ""I don't want to die! I don't want to die!" He is screaming it at the top of his lungs with all the passion you would expect of a man who knows he is doomed.

Finally they finish the speech and one guy grabs Sun-Il and pins him down as he struggles. The other guy pulls out a huge knife and saws the poor guy's head off as he screams. The head is quickly chopped off, then the bloody head is held up for all to see.

It's Sun-Il's head all right, but there are long trails of bloody entrails, guts looking things hanging off his head, the remains of his neck apparently. The entrails are swaying with the head and there is a huge amount of blood dripping off. Then you see the frozen expression on the chopped head. The bloody tissue swaying and dripping off the gross severed head really did it for me.

Truly horrible!

Fucked up!!!!!!!!!!!!

Caged Lion Attacks Man in Iran

This video is too much!

The video was apparently shot in Iran judging from the appearances of the people in the video and the fact that they are speaking Farsi, or Persian.

A man, apparently a janitor or maintenance man, was working in and around the cage of a lion somewhere in Iran. The lion's cage is indoors for some reason. Somehow, the lion attacks the worker and has the worker in its jaws. Another man is there yelling and somehow trying to get the lion to quit biting the man.

This goes on for some time as the poor guy struggles to get away from the lion and the lion seems to be gnawing away at him and pulling him into its cage, apparently to eat him. The lion has grasped the man around his shoulder area.

A group of men arrive, but can't seem to figure out what to do about this very odd situation, so they don't do much of anything. Finally, a man in a uniform arrives, who may be a policeman or a military man. He has a pistol in his hand. He approaches the cage and shoots the lion a few times. The lion bounces backgrounds, releases the man from its jaws, then lets out a load moan as it dies. It did take a few shots to put the lion down.

Medical personnel then arrive on the scene and start going to work on the man who was chomped by the lion. It seems like maybe he is going to make it, but we can't be sure.

An extremely crazy video, one of the wildest I have ever posted!

Islamists Publically Lash Woman for Wearing Trousers in Sudan

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Terrible case out of Sudan. Recently, a woman was publically flogged by laughing policemen for the crime of wearing trousers. Sudan has Islamic Law, or Sharia, and the wearing of trousers was said to violate Sudan's Sharia Code.

The video is very disturbing. The woman wails as she is whipped in front of a crowd. The policeman keeps on whipping her, and even seems to get into it as he laughs and ups the ante.

The woman's wails and screams are horrible. The lashes must have been very painful. She seems to be begging for mercy after the lashing has gone on for a bit.

Everyone in the video is Black, as even Northern Sudan is a Black region. Even though they are Black, North Sudanese consider themselves to be Arabs and are said to be part of the Arab World. There are definitely Black Arabs!

Billy Joe Blythe Martial Arts Student, Willie J. Dennis, Nearly Beats a Man to Death in Martial Arts Match

In this outrageous video, a student of the famed martial arts fighter Billy Joe Blythe is challenged by a low-IQ, possibly retarded man, to a martial arts fight. Blythe's student is named Willie J. Dennis. Both Dennis and the challenger are Black. The challenger fights Dennis, but Dennis pummels him very badly, and the challenger is seriously injured.

Finally, the audience jumps in and breaks up the match as the challenger bleeds on the ground. The challenger was nearly beaten to death by Dennis. I am not sure what the resolution of this matter was, whether Dennis was charged in this fight or not, or what happened to the challenger in medical terms.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Martin Lee Anderson Bootcamp Beating Death Video

On January 5, 2006, a 14 year old Black boy, Martin Lee Anderson, was beaten to death by guards at a Bay County boot camp in Panama City, Florida. He was running track on his first day at boot camp when he complained of illness or fatigue and said he could not do any more laps.

Seven guards, some Black and some White, then applied various force measures in an effort to get him to keep running. These included holding him by the arms, pressure point applications, take downs, and forcing him to inhale ammonia. At some point, he became unresponsive. A nurse was called out, and soon he was declared dead. Doctors ruled that the guards had somehow suffocated him while they were manhandling him.

A trial of the seven guards and the nurse involved occurred afterward, and all eight guards were acquitted. There was a lot of racial turmoil surrounding the case, much of it stirred up the NAACP, but at least some of the guards who killed him were Black, so a race element did not seem to be at play here.

The family sued for violation of the Anderson's civil rights, and they settled for $2.3 million.

After, numerous changes were instituted at boot camps. These changes included no more beating and kicking of inmates by guards.

Unfortunately for thrill seekers, though this 8 minute video does show this boy being beaten to death by guards, there is nevertheless not much action in the video.

Sad story all around.

Skinned Alive

German translation (in deutscher Sprache).

This video is called Skinned Alive, by PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Despite the title, I had a hard time finding any animals in this video that were actually being skinned alive.

The video is about the fur trade in China, which is notorious for its cruelty. The first part of the video shows the treatment of raccoon dogs, which are raised for their fur in China.

They are kept in small cages under terrible conditions in all weather. Then they are taken from their cages and beaten to death with iron bars in front of the other raccoon dogs, who watch and await their fate. The raccoon dogs writhe on the ground, suffering, for a long time after they are beaten.

Then we move on to footage of raccoon dogs being skinned. The skinned carcass is then thrown onto a sickening pile with the rest of the carcasses.

Next we see footage of rabbits. These are White rabbits, apparently also raised for their fur. A rabbit is taken out of its cage and apparently strung up with some kind of rope. Then a worker grabs the rabbit and quickly breaks its neck. Now the rabbit is hanging upside down, but I am not sure if it is dead yet. The worker begins to make a cut near the rabbit's rear end.

The video ends with a message about the cruelty of Chinese fur farms and urges people to not buy fur.

More here.

Various Prison Assaults Caught on Videotape

The first scene opens in July 6, 1994 at the Central Utah Corrections Facility in Gunnison, Utah. 2 White Supremacists corner a Black inmate in the shower area. While one White holds him down, the other stabs the Black repeatedly with a shank. The SWAT Team tries to move into the area as the stabber wipes the blood off his hands with a towel.

The attack goes on for several minutes before the cops can get onto the scene. The suspects are cuffed and the victim is carried away by paramedics.

The second scene is on March 17, 1997 in the Rahway, New Jersey Prison mess hall. One inmate holds a victim down while the other stabs him over and over with a shank. The attacker appears to be a Black man. The stabbed man was attacked for "dissing" the attacker and his family.

The assaulted man tries to crawl under a table to get away, but his attacker keeps on beating and stomping on him. The Plexiglas shank actually broke during the attack.

The third scene is again in the prison mess hall fight in Rahway. Two fights break out at once, both involving Blacks. The fights go on for several minutes. The attackers finally got tired of beating each other up and that is what ended the brawls.

In the fourth scene, on May 25, 1994 in Rahway, one man, apparently a White man, prepares to assault a White inmate on the exercise court. He turns his back on the man, then suddenly turns around and assaults him with a shank. Even though the victim is seriously wounded by the shank, he fights back hard with his fists and a fistfight ensues. Finally the attacker runs away towards the handball court.

Even though this man was stabbed in his chest near his heart, he still somehow managed to survive.

Cops Taser Violent Man on Drugs

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Pretty wild video. A Large Black man is standing in the center divider on a busy street in a large city, possibly in the US. He seems to be intoxicated. Police approach him to get him out of the way or find out what is wrong with him. As a cop approaches, the guy punches a cop!

Then he takes off his shirt, then his tshirt, all the while pounding his chest like a he-man. It now seems like he might be on drugs. Other cops approach with their guns out, threatening him, but to no avail. The maniac keeps on posturing.

Finally, a cop comes up from behind with a Taser Gun which he shoots from behind the guy. The guy quickly falls to the ground as if he were hit by a gunshot, then starts going into convulsions on the ground. Cops try to handcuff him while he is trashing around on the ground like a chicken, but he is still very combative. So the cops Taser him again. He goes into more convulsions, and this time, they can handcuff him.

High Line Power Workers Defy Death

Amazing video of the guys who actually repair high voltage lines. They go out via helicopter to some of the very highest lines. They put on a Faraday Suit which somehow isolates them from up to 500,000 volts of electricity. They climb out on a little platform and then go to work on the fires. They use tools that shoot off massive amounts of electric voltage in sparks.

They crawl up and down the lines, but they are insulated from the voltage, like a bird on a wire. The pilots are also very, very good. As the man says, "It's not a job for a hotshot."

Teenage Girl Fights It Out with a Cop

A rather shocking video. A White cop is trying to handcuff a 15 year old Black girl. She is resisting arrest heavily the whole time, insisting, "Please sir! I didn't do anything!" She fights him for a couple of minutes, then he Maces her. She screams, "I can't breathe!" and then he finally manages to handcuff her. The video was titled, "Cop Punches a 15 Year Old Girl" but I could not find anywhere where he was punching her. Can you?

Anyway, doesn't really pay not to cooperate with the police.

Maniacs on Top of a Crane in Paris

This video is really crazy! Some crazy young French guys climb onto a crane above Paris and then start doing calisthenics, in particular pullups, on the crane. The crane is extremely high off the ground, maybe many hundreds of feet or more. If they mess up and can't pull themselves up to the bar with the pullups, they are really screwed.

Either one of their friends will have to help them to the bar, or they will lose their grip and fall. One guy seems to have a hard time pulling himself back up to the bar after one of his pullups, but he finally makes it.

The background is apparently a French version of the Sex Pistols "Friggin in the Riggin'"

Bullfighter Gored in the Throat by a Bull

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German. Email me if you are interested.

Tagalog translation here.

Bullfighter Juan Aparicio horribly gored by a bull in Summer 2010. He barely survived the attack and last heard from was in very serious condition in the hospital.

See that thing in his mouth, like he's trying to swallow a thick beef jerky stick all at once? Believe it or not, that's the bull's horn. The bull's horn went into his tongue and straight out of his mouth. Damn, nasty stuff.

This incident got a lot of play in Spain in the summer of 2010. The matador, Julio Aparicio, slipped, and that's where he messed up.

I hate these bullfights, so I should probably root for the bull in this case, but I did feel sorry for the guy. He survived the attack, but he was in extremely bad shape in the hospital right after the attack. He was back in the hospital on June 29, 2010 from an infection following surgery to reconstruct his throat, mouth and palate. His condition was listed as grave but stable. I don't have any further updates on his condition.

This guy's lucky to be alive.

Lalaking May Nakabaong Pala Sa Ulo

I am looking for translators to translate this post into German, Polish and Bulgarian. Email me if you are interested.

Spanish translation (en Español).

This is the Tagalog translation of the
Man Has a Shovel in His Head post.

Dito sa kakaibang videong ito, isang lalaking may edad 21, at ang kanyang kapartrner sa krimen, ay nagnanakaw sa Manaus, Brazil. Hindi ko lang sigurado kung sila ay nagnanakaw lang sa bahay-bahay o pumapatay pa ng nakatira sa kanilang pinagnakawan.

Minsan sinira nila ang mga bahay at ang mga taong nakasaksi ay hinabol sila at inatake at lumaban. Ang lalaki sa video ay nabaril ng 7 beses pero nakatakbo pa ng buhay no u. Bukod dito nahagip pa siya ng isang pala na sa tindi ng pagkakapalo ay bumaon sa ulo niya! Sa video, nagpapagulong- gulong siya sa lupa, duguan na nakabaon ang pala ssa ulo niya. Di kapanipaniwala!

Pero sa videong ito, ang lalaking ito ay hindi inosente di katulad ng ibang video.